A while later she asked me if we could watch a DVD of Beyond (her favourite group) so we played several songs of Beyond. Later I asked her again if today was her bday. She was a bit hesitative, but when I told her if it was her bday I had something for her it made it quite easy for her to say yes :). When I asked how old she was now she answered me "three" while sticking her hand up with the 3 fingers pointing up like they did at the Beyond concert. So I gave her the cookies and she indeed really loved it. She opened the box and we counted the cookies together in English :). From then she carried the box with her all the time.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Happy Birthday!!
Instead of on Monday I had to visit the girl on Tuesday. Was a little bit nervous before visiting this time as the last time I went there wasn't that enjoyable. And I do really like the job and to be around children so really hoping it will work out between me and the girl (Jung Tseng).
In the morning before going there I received a call informing me that today would be her birthday! So before heading there still had to buy her something. Her mum told me that she really loves the cookies I gave her for chinese new year. So just quickly went to Park 'N Shop's Taste to get another box of these cookies.
When arriving at the home of Jung Tseng I expected there would be balloons and other bday decorations but there were non... And didn't see any other gifts so got a bit doubtful if I would have misunderstood. I did ask the kid but she also told me it wasn't her bday...was quite confused so did wait to give her the cookies.
She wasn't really in a mood to play yet, so I used the Noddy hand doll to talk to her and then she and Noddy started drawing together. She really liked Noddy and talked quite a bit with him :).
Monday, February 18, 2008
Work and things
I was supposed to be on my way to "work" at the moment but returned home after I got a call from my girlfriend informing me the girl I am teaching had to visit the doctor today. So instead of today will be going over there tomorrow.
I have been there for 4 times now, the first 2 times I was there the girl started crying loudly for the first 30 minutes or so. Luckily after that she calmed down and we were even able to do some drawing together and did some puzzles. Was quite nice that during the drawing from time to time she even asked me to say the colours in English and then she followed what I said :).
The 3rd time I came I was a bit surprised that she didn't start crying at all. But ofcourse a pretty good sign, we did play some games, and watched some English cartoons on TV, and at the end we played a karaoke CD with some English children songs. Was really nice to find out that she could sing along very well with all those songs.
The 4rd time the girl was quite restless. We didn't really do anything productive, she seemed in a quite destructive mood, ripping up drawings she made before, throwing with her toys and cd's etc. After this time I really felt a bit frustrated, not really sure if I will be able to really teach her English....
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