Friday, March 27, 2009


Having no luck to upload any pictures to my blog so uploading to Facebook instead. Actually a lot easier to upload to there anyways...

The pictures I have uploaded so far can be seen here:


Anonymous said...

really impressed by the internet access in Vietnam... i thought it was worse :P

SUBHK said...

Think it is mainly because we are in the big cities right now. Here almost every hostel has internet and Wifi access. Think in the smaller cities it will probably be very different!

Anonymous said...

Hallo Vakantiegangers!

Leuk om de foto's te zien.

Wat een mooie fook,luk sau beelden.

Ik zie wel lekker eten, maar wat voor dieren hingen daar te drogen?

En waren die boten niet een beetje eng?
Mooie pagodes, er is veel te zien daar, blijf foto's maken!
