Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Censorship in China

I've forwarded the link of my blog to several people. Shortly afterwards some people in China asked if the link I had sent was correct; as they were unable to open my blog.
To be sure I copied and pasted the link from the browser bar and sent it to them again, but the result remained the same. They were unable to open my blog. At that point I already suspected it might have something to do with censorship. A quick search in google confirmed that blogspot is indeed blocked by the Chinese government.

Why would they block websites like blogspot or why block any website at all (expect for sites with illegal content)?
They don't want the Chinese people exposed to 'unwanted information or news'. But in a country like China, where so many foreigners visit every day. And people have all kinds of options to communicate with the rest of the world; can you really effectively withhold information from them by blocking websites?

Quite sure that everyone I know in China knows about what happened during the protest on Tiananmen Square for instance…

If you have any idea or would like to comment please do so!


Anonymous said...

i think PRC gov't is just trying their best to do sth even thou there are many foreigners in and out everyday. also most of the foreigners can be found in mainland are someone, according to them, "not dangerous", and can enjoy their freedom in the territory.I do know some ppl who cannot go to mainland anymore due to what they did when they were students..

SUBHK said...

Let's just hope that over time the PRC will start to realize that it is a wasted effort to block some sites; in their attempt to block some unwanted thruths they also take away the freedom of the Chinese people to start reading and writing our and their 'normal' topics on blogspot.